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IWMS provides piece of mind for absentee landowners. 


We can provide a full range of property management services that will allow your ranch to flourish.  Our wildlife professionals have many years of experience managing ranches throughout central Texas. Our services range from housecleaning, landscaping, road maintenance, minor construction, as well as any other ranch requirement that might occur.


IWMS can accommodate either a monthly management fee or a hourly rate charge.



Natural Resource Management 


IWMS provides you with customized recommendations from a professional wildlife biologist. We have the staff to implement your specific habitat management goals, as well as having our own heavy equipment and operators. This allows us to better serve all your ranch management concerns.


Thanks to our multi-talented staff, we can offer a wide variety of services including:  


- Written Wildlife Management Plans

- Prop 11 Plans

- Wildlife surveys

- Population estimates / Harvest recommendations

- Assistance with many TPWD programs

- Certified Deer Pen inspections

- Onsite consultations for both habitat and wildlife concerns

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