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White-tailed deer

Through years of intense and properly applied wildlife management practices, we have produced some of the best trophy white-tailed bucks you will find on low fenced fair chase properties anywhere.  Well managed ranges and supplemental feeding programs along with strict culling practices on our buck herd have allowed us to produce native wild raised bucks that can score over 150 B&C on our low fenced properties and over 180 B&C on our more intensely managed high fenced propeties. 



Our "wild" quail populations have afforded us some of the best hunting opportunities in the entire state. Even during the years of low precipitation and low quail numbers, we still had quail to hunt.  Management practices benefiting quail are implemented on an annual  basis and have allowed us to produced high quality game bird habitat.


Rio Grande turkey

Good range condition with quality nesting and brood rearing cover has allowed us to produce lots of turkey these past few years and have plenty of toms in the population to hunt.  We should have an abundance of 2 and 3 year old toms to hunt this year. We are very fortunate that this region of Texas supports large numbers of Rio Grande turkey.  All of our ranches support substantial huntable turkey populations.



Traditional flyways, lots of water, and various field crops grown in and around the area normally provide us with good wing shooting opportunities on our ranches.  Range management in the form of spring disking allows for the production of many native plants that doves use as a food source.

Mesquite trees around the water ponds allow for good roosting and loafing sites where doves concentrate.



Lots of small to large ponds and natural flyways always provide excellent duck hunting opportunities in the area and our ranches, especially during the early and late teal season.  



Varmint hunts are available on most of the ranches.  We have healthy populations of bobcats, hogs, coyotes, and foxes that you will be able to call and take.


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